The Story so far in Berlin

Eoin's journey

A detailed picture of my stomach after the plane journey

Arrived in Tegel Airport around 3:30 on Saturday 29th. Had a great night in Frankie's before I left. Apperantly I rang a few people when I came home from Frankie's instead of going to bed. Got less than 2 hours sleep before I had to go to Shannon. Was still fairly drunk getting on the plane, I'd say Da wasn't to hectic either. Got some fair funny looks walking through Heathrow with 2 hurleys in me hand. Who were they to be giving me dirty looks, I was the one holding the "DEADLY".  NB: from now on a hurley will be called "The DEADLY". Was feeling fairly sick in Heathrow so I'll blame Marcus for dat. But then again the session with Liam O'Riordan on Thursday night didn't ease the situation.

As Nobby Holoihan would sing perfectly "with a fist full of money and a cart load of dreams" I landed in Berlin. We were met by a family at the airport whom both parents worked for T-Nova. They took Damien off with them and told us to wait for Tom who was flying in at 6. 15 minutes in  Berlin and already a man down. Things didn't get better. A taxi carried us and our bags to the apartment where we were to live for the 8 months. Lovely 2 bedroomed apartment which I share with Eddie. Tom and Brian are in the apartment beside us. Its perfect when we run out of milk or more importantly beer.



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