Welcome to Eoin's Gaff

Created : 14 February 2000

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I'll be coming home on August 25th so if anyone whats to find me I'll probably be in Skinnys, Frankies and Scobies !°!

Attention all 2nd Year Comp.Sys from Ul check out Tom's page for your class mates email addresses.



Click HERE for Damien Crowes web page.

Its definitely worth a look

All photos from the lads skiing in Austria.



Soap Fans

I am a self confessed soap addict and thought a little 8 month trip to Berlin would cure me. No chance as the following web sites will prove. Even if your in the middle of nowhere, e.g.. Tipperary, all you need is a laptop and a mobile phone.

N.B. Dawson's Creek will not be featured here !!!

Click any of the following to get the latest on these soaps.

This is a must for Cornation Street fans


My Pages

The story so far in Berlin.

Tiff and us in a german pub.

Classic Sport Commentaries

A Morning Poem

Surfers Paradise




Brian's story so far

Click HERE for Eddie's version of events in Berlin.


Fr. Ted

The one and only Eddie Moroney

Any comments about this page should be emailed to :

Eoin O'Connell eoinoconnell@ireland.com

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