Irish masters BACK 2008
Right: First venue the beach at Port Stewart
a sunny morning with light winds. A bit of a surf made the beach look very
fishy. Shows how wrong you can be as all I managed was two undersized fish while
the lad next to me caught six undersize. In fact I didn't see a counter till the
last five minutes of the competition, a chap two up on the right of me. Still
there were fish caught at each end of the beach as you might expect. Below: The
Beekster on the beech.
After a blank on the first competition I was fairly
gutted yet determined to fish the night match at Port Rush.
Right: Me at Port Rush, bait was running short but with
only an hour of light I could confidently change to fish baits at night.
Left: possibly the largest Flat fish caught on the night taken from the high numbers end of the draw. Below: Arty pic by Fizz, Sunset at Port rush.
The winner and new Irish captain is:
Kieran Begadon (Waterford crystal)
2nd Joe Duggan (Kilmore)
3rd John Snoddy (Glengormley)
4th Paul Graham (Nth Antrim S.A.)
5th John O'Brien (post Irish)