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Squad profile of Craig McMillan
Irish National Wheelchair Rugby Team

Craig McMillan

Ireland/Gaelic Warriors
Wheelchair Rugby Team


Craig McMillan
 Born:  Belfast, Northern Ireland  Classification:  0.5
 Residence:   Ballyclare, Co. Antrim  Started playing in:  2003
 Birth Date:  01/03/1982  Nat. Team member since:  2003
 Height:  6'2''  Contact:  craig@mcmillan50.fsnet.co.uk
 Weight:  13st  Coaches:  Martin Baxter, Peter Barron
 Languages:  English  Occupation:  Engineer
 Hobbies:  Rugby, Weightlifting, Movies  Clubs:  Gaelic Warriors

Craig hails from Ballyclare in the Glens County of Antrim. Craig is another who received his injury on the rugby field but that hasn't put him off. He still goes to Landsdowne Road at every opportunity to cheer on the Irish rugby teams and is a regular visitor to Ravenhill to watch Ulster play. He is a cousin of the Ulster flanker, Neil McMillan. Craig has recently completed his degree and is now one of the workforce, and boy is that a shock to his poor delicate system.

Craig & Neil

The picture shows Craig (middle) with his cousin Neil (left) and Dr. Malcolm Crone of the MITRE Trust
This picture is the property of Ulster Rugby.