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Ireland's first Wheelchair Rugby Club


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Squad profile of John McMillan
Irish National Wheelchair Rugby Team

John McMillan

Ireland/Gaelic Warriors
Wheelchair Rugby Team


John McMillan
 Born:  Antrim, Northern Ireland  Hobbies:  Lifting Garrett off the deck
 Residence:   Ballyclare, Co. Antrim  Position:  Support Staff
 Birth Date:  Sometime last Century  Involved since:  2003
 Height:  6'2"  Handedness:  Right handed
 Weight:  Don't ask  Occupation:  Self-employed
 Languages:  English  Clubs:  Gaelic Warriors

John lives in Ballyclare in the Glens of County Antrim. He is the father of Craig. John came as the package with Craig and he has been a valuable member of the squad since. Whether it's lifting players, mending chairs or filming games, John is our man.