Taekwon-Do for Beginners in 2005

You too can learn Taekwon-Do, the Korean Art of Self Defence, from internationally certified, experienced instructors in a great atmosphere & as part of an established school & reputable association.
Our Taekwon-Do programmes focus on personal development for people of all ages at our member schools in Galway city, Athlone, & Tuam.

Benefits of Taekwon-Do include:

Self Defence:
- Powerful and effective techniques for every situation
- Learn to utilise 100% of your potential power

- Flexibility, stamina, and endurance
- Weight control
- Increased strength, balance, & co-ordination

Mental Development:
- Increased self confidence & self esteem
- Stress reduction
- Self discipline & control

Click on the links below for the venue nearest you:

Beginners Classes in Galway Beginners Classes in Athlone

10 reasons to join Taekwon-Do at our schools!

More information about the beginners programme


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