Rhythm is represented in written music by notes of varying shapes. The notes specify time values, relative durations for which the notes are held, or sustained.
time value | semibreve | minim | crotchet | quaver | semiquaver |
note | ![]() |
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Bars & Barlines
The grouping of regular accents and the notes between them into bars is shown by placing a bar-line
before each accent. That is, the first note after every bar-line is always the first beat of the bar, and is
therefore accented. (Composers sometimes break this rule in order to create a special rhythmic effect
called syncopation.)
Time Signatures
Written at the start of a piece of music, the 'time signature' looks much like a fraction.
The top number (numerator) tells us how many beats are in each bar - that is, whether
the piece is in 'two' or 'three' time (or 'four', etc.); and the bottom number (denominator) tells us the
type (duration) of note that gets one beat.
As mentioned above, in the early stages of learning to read a crotchet will represent one beat and the denominator for this is 4.
Common time is a frequent alias for 4/4
Split common time is a frequent alias for 2/2
Simple vs. Compound Time
In a simple time signature each beat may be divided evenly by two. For example, in a bar of 2 crotchets each
crotchet may be divided into two quavers. Hence 2/4 is simple duple time.
In a compound time signature each beat is a dotted note, and may be evenly divided by three. For example, in
a bar of two dotted crotchets each dotted crotchet may be divided into three quavers.
Hence 6/8 is compound duple time.
Irregular times are unusual; these may have any number of either simple or dotted beats per bar.
Duple | 2 8 | 2 eighth-notes per bar |
2 4 | 2 quarter-notes per bar | |
2 2 | 2 half-notes per bar | |
Triple | 3 8 | 3 eighth-notes per bar |
3 4 | 3 quarter-notes per bar | |
3 2 | 3 half-notes per bar | |
Quadruple | 4 8 | 4 eighth-notes per bar |
4 4 | 4 quarter-notes per bar | |
4 2 | 4 half-notes per bar |
Duple | 6 16 | 2 dotted quavers per bar |
6 8 | 2 dotted crotchets per bar | |
6 4 | 2 dotted minims per bar | |
Triple | 9 16 | 3 dotted quavers per bar |
9 8 | 3 dotted quavers per bar | |
9 4 | 3 dotted minims per bar | |
Quadruple | 12 16 | 4 dotted quavers per bar |
12 8 | 4 dotted crotchets per bar | |
12 4 | 4 dotted minims per bar |
North America | Europe |
sixteenth note | semiquaver |
eighth note | quaver |
quarter note | crotchet |
half note | minim |
whole note | semibreve |
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