Gonzaga's participation in this year's French debating competition came to an
abrupt end on Tuesday, January 22nd last. The best endeavours of Daniel Sinnott,
Stephen Ryan, Rossa FitzGerald and André Bolster were deemed unequal
to those of Mount Temple at this quarter final stage. The team should be proud
of their well structured and cogently argued speeches. Some small consolation:
Stephen Ryan was judged best speaker on the night.
On Thursday last Gonzaga entered the fourth round of the competition, having
beaten Loreto Abbey Dalkey before Christmas in the third round. Our opponents
were from the Holy Family Secondary School, Newbridge, Co. Kildare. The motion
was 'Young people in Ireland can look to the future optimistically'. Gonzaga
proposed the motion but unfortunately were unsuccessful. Well done to the team
of André Bolster, Stephen Reilly, David M. 0'Doherty and Rossa FitzGerald
on their hard work.
Unhappily Monday, January 28th did not see Gonzaga College inscribe their name
for what would have been the eight time since 1987 on the HTAI trophy despite
the best efforts of Alan Burns, Thomas McCormack, Alan McShane, Cormac O Dea
who finished with a creditable 48 out of a possible 60 The winners were Drogheda
Grammar School with 56 out of 60.
The PENNIES FROM HEAVEN campaign led by the First Years is drawing to a close so now is the time to root out the last of those Irish and foreign coins from bottles and jars, drawers and sofas throughout the house. A big thank you to all who have already given generously. The collection barrel will require the full weight of the scrum to move it!
First Year Parents are again asked to consider the FIRST YEAR EXCHANGE WITH LE CAOUSOU. We still need host families for two French students for the period June 14 - 29. Please contact Ms Nevin.
Our annual collection at Midnight Mass raised £2,675.00 (3,396.55)
and was divided equally between the VdeP society and Fr.Gerry O'Hanlon SJ (Class
of 1978) for his mission in Nairobi, Kenya.
Congratulations to Howard and Karen Welch on the birth of their son, Kelton,
on Christmas Eve. We wish our librarian, Michelle Holden, every good wish for
her forthcoming happy event.
Many thanks to all who got involved in the recent bRING bRING fundraiser for
Oxfam. Due to your donations of old mobile phones over 1,000 was raised.
Well done 4S, Conor O'Higgins and Mr. Welch.
Suggestions, news and details of forthcoming events should
be given to either Ms Nevin or Ms MacConville, preferably on disc marked "Gonzaga