SwimmerGonzaga Needs New Trophy Cabinet !!!
Gonzaga's Swim Teams dominated the Leinster Senior Schools 2002 Swimming Championships in December, winning an unprecedented 7 trophies. Our Seniors (current Irish Schools Senior Freestyle Team Relay record holders) won the Leinster Schools Senior Boys 4 x 50m Medley Team Relay Cup (for the 2nd time since the Millennium 2000 Championships) in addition to the prestigious Leinster Schools Senior Boys 4 x 50m Freestyle Team Relay Cup (for the 3rd successive year!). Our Juniors added to these victories by winning both the Leinster Schools Junior Boys 4 x 50m M.T.R. and F.T.R. Cups in splendid style.
Mark Doyle won both the Senior Boys 400m Freestyle and the Senior 100m Freestyle Trophies, setting a new Leinster Schools Championships record of 52.3 seconds in the latter. Well done, too, David Mathews on winning the Junior Boys 200m Individual Medley Trophy in addition to taking Bronze in the Junior 100m Backstroke. In the Senior Boys 100m Breastroke, Cillian Bain swam the fastest heats time to achieve a place in the final where he came 4th.
Gonzaga's Quadruple Leinster Cup winning Swim Teams were :-
Mark Doyle (S.6), John Mathews (S.6), Aidan O'Mahony (S.6), Eoghan McCarthy (S. 5) and Cillian Bain (S. 5).
David Mathews (S. 2), Eoin McDowell (S. 2), Connor McCarthy (S. 2), Philip Meagher (S. 1) and Richard Murray (S. 1).
At the AII-Ireland Distance Championships, held in Belfast on 19th/20th January 2002, David Mathews, Sen 2A, won silver medals in both the 400 I.M. and the 400 Freestyle. Congratulations David on two great swims.


This year's Union President is Michael McDowell (Class of '69) and the Junior Committee President is Brian Whelan (Class of 1992). Both the Presidents and the Committee will be kept very busy judging by the list of events scheduled to take place this year. If you would like any information regarding any of the activities, please contact Elaine McKenna at 087 2486942 or e.mckenna@indigo.ie or check out the website at www.gonzaga.ie/ppu.


Inaugural London PPU Dinner Friday15th February
The inaugural Union Dinner is being held in Julie's Restaurant in Portland Place, Notting Hill. This is open to past pupils living in London or anyone travelling to the match that weekend.

France vs. Ireland in Paris 6th April
Any past or present pupils or parents travelling to Paris are invited to O'Sullivans, Boulevard Montmartre, Paris 75002 after the game courtesy of the proprietor Tommy St. John (class of '78).

Green & White Dinner Friday 19 April
The first event organised for the Green and White Fund, which aims to raise funds for charitable purposes. The dinner is open to all past pupils and parents. The proceeds of this year's event will go to the Philip Quinlan Fund.

Gonzaga Ramble Sunday 28 April.
Join us for a short family ramble in the Wicklow Hills.

20 Year Reunion: Class of 82 Friday 7th June.

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