
4oz/100g soft margarine
4oz/100g light brown sugar sugar
1 large egg
5oz/125g plain flour
pinch of salt
2 level teaspoons of ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon vanilla essence (or almond)


Preheat your oven to 190°c/375°f/gas 4
Cream Cream the butter and sugar,
add the egg and mix in the remainder of the ingredients.
Chill overnight or for several hours.
Divide in six, form each piece into a roll and divide into ten pieces.
Roll each piece into a ball and place at least 2"
apart on a greased baking sheet.
Bake for about 10 mins, or until golden brown.
Remove from baking sheet immediately
and cool on a wire tray.

Chef's Tips

Remember that fan assisted ovens will cook more quickly than conventional ovens
so cakes will have a shorter cooking time
NEVER leave the oven unattended
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