
4 hard boiled eggs
12g/½oz shallots finely chopped
100g/4oz mushrooms, washed and finely chopped
12g/½oz butter
Chopped Parsley
Cheese Sauce, grated parmesan cheese


Cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Scoop out the yolks and pass them through a sieve. Place the white in a serving dish, hollow side up. Prepare the filling (Duxelle) by cooking the chopped shallot in the butter, without coloring it, and add themushrooms. Cook for a further 3 to 4 minutes. Mix the yolks with the duxelle, together with the parsley. Check for seasoning and adjust as neccesary. Spoon or pipe the mixture into the hollows of the egg halves. As a final garnish, coat with cheese sauce (mornay sauce) and sprinkle with the grated parmesan. Bown slowly under a grill or in the top of a moderate oven

Chef's Tips

If high temperatures or a long cooking time are used to cook eggs, iron in the yolk and sulphur compounds in the white are released to form an unsightly blackish ring around the yolk. Stale eggs will also display this ring however, so care should be taken at the outset to ensure the freshness of the eggs. Eggs contain most nutrients and are low in calories. Two eggs contain on average, 180 calories. Egg protein is complete which makes eggs easily digestible, therefore they are useful to balance meals

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