
1LB cod or haddock fillet
8oz fresh salmon
½ pint low fat milk
1 slice lemon
2 bay leaves
4 carrots, thinly sliced
2 sticks celery finely chopped
3oz butter
1 - 1½lb cooked potato
½ pint fish cooking liquor
Ground black pepper


Preheat your oven to 375°f/190°c/Gas 5


Rinse the fish, and cut into pieces. Place in a large saucepan, and add the milk, sliced carrots, chopped celery, lemon slice and bay leaves. Cover and simmer for ten minutes. Strain off the cooking liquor, and keep ½ pint for the sauce. (The cooking liquor is the liquid in which you cooked the fish and the vegetables). Remove and skin and bones from the fish, and break into large flakes. Set aside with the strained vegetables. Melt 1oz of butter in a saucepan, and stir in the flour. Cook gently for 1 minute, and gradually stir in the fish cooking liquor. Bring to the boil stirring constantly. Stir in the sliced carrots and celery and simmer gently for approx. 5 mins. Remove from the heat and gently stir in the flaked fish and freshly ground black pepper. Grease a pie dish and place the fish/vegetable mixture in it. Mash the cooked potato with 1oz butter, and freshly ground black pepper. Cover the fish mixture with the potato and level out to ensure the fish mixture is completely covered. Dot the top of the potato with the remaining 1oz of butter. Reheat the dish near the top of the oven for about 20 -25 mins.

Chef's Tips


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