
2 cups hot espresso coffee
¼ cup coffee liqueur
2 tablespoons Southern Comfort
½ cup whipping cream
Grated semi-sweet chocolate


Combine espresso, coffee liqueur and Southern Comfort in medium bowl. Flavour mixture with sugar to taste. Divide among 4 cups. Whisk whipping cream in heavy small saucepan over medium heat until hot and frothy, about 2 minutes. Spoon hot cream over coffees, dividing evenly. Sprinkle grated chocolate over and serve

Chef's Tips

Double cream usually works better than single cream when put on a hot liquid such as in this recipe. Allowing the cream to be poured over the back of a tablespoon will stop the cream from plunging down into the drink, and allows it to float better. The secret of this drink, and indeed most hot alcoholic beverages that have a cream topping, is that its the sugar which enables the cream to float.

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