
1¼ litres of milk
9 eggs
180g/7oz castor sugar
250g/10oz cake crumbs


Heat the Milk. Whisk together the eggs and the sugar and add in to the warm milk. Sieve, and pour onto the cake crumbs in an ovenproof dish. Bake in a bain Marie at 180°c for 30 - 40 mins ( that is.......have the dish submerged in another slightly larger container, with the water approx. ¾ of the way up on the outside of the dessert bowl). Whisk three egg whites with 150g/6oz of castor sugar until stiff, and then pipe over the filling. Return the dish to the oven, and flash bake at 220°c/425°f/gas mark 7 until the egg white has turned a light brown.

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