A Message from John
my name is John. This is my twelth year on the team at Grace Dieu. My ministry
here involves personal-spiritual accompaniment for individuals and groups. In
recent years my main focus has been on resourcing people for ministry in the
community. This mainly concerns offering training in Spiritual Accompaniment
and supporting the ongoing professional development of people who minister from
a Spirituality of the Heart. I enjoy this ministry and find it inspiring and
challenging. Also being part of dynamic team and living in here with its beautiful
grounds and proximity to the sea, makes it a good place to be. In the last year
I was involved in setting up the Heart
Network to resource the continuing professional development of people who
minister from a Heart Spirituality. To e-mail me click
Personal Profile
Name: John Bennett
size="5">Family: I come from a family of five.
Ministerial Experience: Vocation Discernment Ministry, Retreat Work, Psychotherapy, Supervision
Continuing Professional Development: Since ordination to the priesthood I have trained in spiritual direction and in recent years was invited to be a founder member of AISGA (All Ireland Spiritual Guides Association) and presently serve on their Board of Trustees. I have also trained as a psychodynamic psychotherapist specializing in groups and most recently completed a training in group supervision at the Institute of Group Analysis (London). I hold master degrees in supervisory practice and group psychotherapy.
Member of the Religious Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (msc)
Research Interests:
Hobbies & Pastimes:
Reading, Listening to Music , Travel, Food, I love to Surf (the Net!). Snorkeling, Movies and Bears!