Neat NASA Tricks #2
The Case of The Paintshop Pro



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by Fintan Dunne, Editor
1st March 2003 19:00 GMT

The second in a series.
Anomalies in NASA NEATv1 images

Download this file if you wish to confirm the anomaly:

In the early hours of Thursday 20th February, around 6:30am a comet discussion board inexplicably went offline --about thirty minutes after participants discovered that NASA had been faking webimages of the comet's passage past the sun on the morning of the 18th February.

A webimage posted by NASA [our copy] from a sequence of 7 missing hourly photos of the comet near the sun, had a telltale partial white comet image below the observed comet location. [ snapshot ] The photo thus shows two positions for the comet. This partial was in the exact position of the comet in later NASA images from the SOHO satellite. That image is in the official NASA record to this day !

Which is real? This, or
the above or neither?

A poster to the comet board placed a link to an animated composite [our copy] showing that NASA's earlier and later images were duplicates and suggesting that a photo editing error had caused the revelaing glitch. Both the discussion board and website went offline around thrity minutes later.

This later image explains why the white mark appeared where it did --some Paintshop Pro was anything but professional.

A few days later, an edited animated gif was published which OMITS the portion of the web image with the embarassing error.

[View Animation]

NASA -having publicly made the mistake --can't very well remove it, and so are stuck with it for all time in their own images and animations. But the new amination came from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), at the University of Michigan.

Any ideas who is the main sponsor of the UCAR "Windows to the Universe" project which published this new flattering graphic? Go on have a guess. Think four letters. Yes, it's NASA.

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