4th October |
Flowering plants and lichens from Ards.
Dry but dull. |
A shot from the darkest part of the forestry. The hollow is excellent for fungi, as it is always dark and damp. I think this might have been a quarry for the original Ards monastery. |
The Cinqefoil and Tormentil are still pushing up flowers. The frosts should put an end to that. |
Two lichens: Lobaria pulmonaria on the left and the very interesting Cladonia cervicornis ssp. verticillata on the right. This Cladonia forms fruiting bodies inside the previous years' cups.
Earlier I showed an early example of this mine of Chromatomyia aprilina. This one is fully developed.
This is the native Golden Rod - Solidago virgaurea. Flowers about 12 mm across. |
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