3rd October |
More Ards Forest fungi. Flowering plants and lichens from Ards tomorrow. Showers for much of the day. |
This is certainly a Hydnellum, maybe H. spongiosipes. These are all rare.
Another rarity - Phellodon melaleucus. It has a fascinating smell of Fenugreek. European red list C. Great colour. |
I can make no sense of this one at all. Growing on cut wood - Birch I think. 2 cm. cap, tiny white spiny globose spores. Maybe the letters omph are in the name somewhere. Although I suppose it might have been growing on the moss on the wood...
An absolutely beautiful tiny fungus about 8 mm. across, with a pink cap and a brown stipe. Marasmius? Mycena? |
Another one for id..1 cm. cap. |
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