16th October |
Beltony Stone circle and environs.
Bright with some sun. |
Agromyza anthracina is one of the few miners in Nettle. I'd have thought that would be a safe place to make a mine. Another Agromyzid fly.
Two Parasols for comparison. Field Parasol - Macrolepiota procera - on the left, and Shaggy Parasol - Macrolepiota rhacodes - on the right.
A group of Long-Tailed Tits 'rolled' through the Hawthorn hedge. |
One or two specimens of Red Campion have flowered again. |
Blackthorn tends to be anonymous apart from when it's in flower or the Sloes are formed. |
Two more fungi in the grass: Panaeolus ater on the left and a Mycena on the right.
And a nice shot of Coprinus plicatilis to finish.
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