
16th October


Beltony Stone circle and environs.


Bright with some sun.

Agromyza anthracina is one of the few miners in Nettle. I'd have thought that would be a safe place to make a mine. Another Agromyzid fly.


Two Parasols for comparison. Field Parasol - Macrolepiota procera - on the left, and Shaggy Parasol - Macrolepiota rhacodes - on the right.



A group of Long-Tailed Tits 'rolled' through the Hawthorn hedge.


One or two specimens of Red Campion have flowered again.


Blackthorn tends to be anonymous apart from when it's in flower or the Sloes are formed.

Two more fungi in the grass: Panaeolus ater on the left and a Mycena on the right.


And a nice shot of Coprinus plicatilis to finish.

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