
15th October


Steeple Wood.

I've always thought that Steeple would yield some good fungi. Today it came of age.

Bright with some sun.

Cystoderma amianthinum is a very common fungus, but also a very attractive one. Cap about 6 cm. across.



I've shown this specimen of Helvella lacunosa - the Black Helvella - before. But today the sun was shining...Specimen about 12 cm. tall.


I've seen this before, but only now have I identified it as Lyophyllum connatum. About 6 cm.tall.


I haven't found a specimen of this Orange Peel fungus for ages. Aleura aurantia.

And here's the star of today's show - another Hydnellum. This is quite obviously a different species from the Ards one. It's off for examination, since these are very rare and must be properly identified, recorded and curated. Specimens shown about 3 cm. across. Maybe Hydnellum concrescens.

Two late bloomers. Yorkshire Fog - Holcus lanatus and Bramble.


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