
19th October


Drumboe woods. I've based  the whole day's page on a single fungus.


Rain for much of the day.

When I first saw this cluster I thought Armillaria gallica - a Honey Fungus, but couldn't be absolutely sure - the caps were still tightly closed. Caps about 1 cm. across.

Then further on I saw this mature group and confirmed my id. Notice the yellow fly (about 1 cm. long). It's just visible to the top left of the left-hand image, too. I noticed it was reluctant to leave the fungus, even though I approached very closely for the macro shots.



Here she is, ovipositing on the gills of the Armillaria.

A close inspection of the underside of the fungus revealed these 2 eggs:

Tentative id for the fly is Phaonia rufiventris.

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