
20th October


More fungi from Drumboe woods.


Rain for much of the day.


An absolutely pristine Amanita rubescens - The Blusher. Cap about 8 cm. across. This vertical bank of soil is a great place for fungi. Trees grow above the bank and there are exposed roots at the surface.


Lepista flaccida always grows in groups, clusters or rings - often where leaves have been piled the previous year. It rejoices in the common name of Tawny Funnel Cap. All fungi received a common name a couple of years ago. I heartily dislike many of the names - this one included.


Scleroderma citrinum - the Common Earthball - appears to be a little behind in development this year. This specimen was only about 4 cm. across.

My first reaction to this one was 'Cortinarius', but then I flipped one over to look at the gills and looked for a ring. Turns out it's Tricholoma fulvum - the Brown Knight (see what I mean about the names?) Cap about 10 cm. across.


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