
3rd January


Original Hedgerow, leg 1.


Cold and dull with showers.


At last a decent shot of the Lesser Celandine bud. At this time of year the buds don't open; they just soften and fall off the stem after a few days. Ranunculus ficaria.

Meruliopsis corium is very common on dead twigs of deciduous trees and shrubs. The right hand image shows the spore-bearing structures.


This Mycena has the strong, dark stipe of M. galericulata, but the fringe of the cap is interesting. Cap about 15 mm. across.


This is a complete puzzle. It refused to provide me with any spores at all. Note the thick gills and the overall yellow colour. Cap about 10mm. across.


And lastly a Waxcap - Hygrocybe sp. The yellow/red specimens I've found locally either blacken or have a conical cap. This one (and four others) didn't. Note the dark spots on the gills. Those are the heads of fly larvae that ate every part of the gills and most of the cap. So, again, no spore print. (The cap had already been eaten off the stipe by the time I found the specimen). Maybe the unseasonally late timing has also affected the appearance/shape of the cap. Caps varied from 2 to 4 cm. across.


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