
22nd March


Drumboe wood.

1 x Small Tortoiseshell.

Dull and cold.


Horse Chestnut leaf buds are still closed.


Greater Woodrush has just started to show flower buds. Note the dead mine to the left of centre. That's another Cerodontha sylvatica that didn't make the complete transition. I find many mines like that...they may be parasitised.


Wood Anemone has just opened. They were almost finished this time last year.

"The Stump" continues to deliver new Cladonias with almost every visit. The purple dots are the fruiting bodies.



While I was checking the opening buds of Broom for micromoth larvae I noticed this little spider working under the stem.


A whole specimen of Elder was covered in this Trentepohlia alga, giving it a strange golden glow.

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