
11th June


Highest local point.


Overcast and windy.

This area was deep coniferous forestry until about 4 years ago. Now it is reverting to the original heath and we can see a dramatic year on year increase in many of the plants. The Butterwort is one example.



This is the Alder Fly - Silais lutaria. There appears to be no connection whatsoever with the Alder tree: the larvae are aquatic.

This is the largest local Hoverfly - Sericomyia silentis.


The first local orchids have opened. Northern Marsh Orchid - Dactylorrhiza purpurella.

And Common Spotted Orchid - Dactylorrhiza fuchsii.



Heath Woodrush - Luzula multiflora - has a couple of subspecies. One with the flower heads all squashed together and one with the flower heads dispersed on thin stalks. Which is this one? Or is it a hybrid? Too much splitting into subspecies, methinks.


Spiny Sow-Thistle - Sonchus asper.


Marsh Bedstraw - Galium palustre.


I opened spun leaves on Willow and found this moth larva. Red-line Quaker - Agrochola lota.


Wood Horsetail - Equisetum sylvaticum - has very elegant drooped branches.

Fuchsia will now turn many of the Donegal hedgerows bright red for the next couple of months. Fuchsia magellanica.

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