
4th August


High Heath.


Frequent rain showers, and raining during the photography.


Spun leaves attract me like a magnet, and I found this Common Garden Spider had made its larder there. Its orb web was about 30 cm. across.


One of these days I'll get a proper id for this Lesser Dung-fly.

There's a large pile of logs left over from when the forestry was clear-felled. It's always good for a fungus or two. This is a Myxomycete, one of the Slime Moulds. Patch about 2 cm. long.



The Ringlets are very worn now, and in much smaller numbers than a month ago.

Raindrops on grass make a nice image when there's nothing else to show.

This is a Xylota sp. hoverfly - the first I've seen in this area. I got the briefest glimpse of a solid yellow patch on the abdomen as it landed, so it's probably Xylota segnis. Again.


Earlier in the day I stopped to see if the English Stonecrop had flowered. It is nearly over.

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