12th July |
Waste land in town centre, and a later visit to original Hedgerow, leg 1.
Sunny and warm. |
![]() A shot of Bombus pascuorum - Common Carder Bumblebee - with its pollen baskets well-loaded. |
A Willowherb that wouldn't key out properly. I'm pretty sure it's the hybrid between Hoary and American: Epilobium x.floridulanum. The stems are smooth and round with two small opposite wings, and there are glandular hairs on all parts of the plant which is tall and very branched. As I was checking out the hybrids, I noticed that they are described as having "darker tips to the petals". I hadn't noticed that, but this specimen shows this feature. |
The flowers of Upright Hedge Parsley are actually very delicate.
Two new micromoths, both from the same family. Eucosma hohenwartiana (left) and Eucosma cana (right).
A frontal shot of Sericomyia silentis on Spear Thistle. |
![]() I've noticed that Greater Birds-foot Trefoil - Lotus pedunculatus - is actually locally more common than the Common - Lotus corniculatus. I suppose that's because of our high moisture content. All of specimens I've examined in the immediate locality are, in fact, pedunculatus. |
Seeds of Wood Dock - Rumex sanguineus.
Thanks to Gill for fixing my broken id. |
There's something poetic about this picture of Stenoptilia pterodactyla on barbed wire.
This Panaeolus semiovatus was easily visible from a distance due to its very glossy cap. On Horse dung. I took a spore print out of interest: the id was already confirmed. Individual spores at x 400:
I can only make this Polyporus squamosus - Dryad's Saddle. I'd expect the top to be marked with brown scales, but maybe it can start off without them. About 20 cm. across.
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