11th July |
River Deele.
Cloudy with some rain showers. |
The Butterbur leaves are enormous at this time of year. I haven't identified this miner, yet. Mine about 4 cm. across as shown.
I bet you can guess what killed this fly. The wings are held open in the classic Entomophthora fashion, to enhance the chances of spore dispersal. The seed case is from Red Campion. Think of the abdomen as a spore capsule blowing in the wind. |
This is a view along the river, looking through the central arch of the road bridge. The greenery at the base is the clippings of ivy and mosses which were stripped from the bridge today. Complete loss of habitat at exactly the wrong time of year. Why couldn't this cutting have been done in winter? |
Seeds of Hogweed. Already. |
![]() The thorax of these Soldier Flies is a very shiny green, and it seems to interfere with the focussing. I can never get a truly sharp image of these. |
This is the adult Stigmella salicis - a leaf-miner on Willows. A pretty little thing about 5mm long. The forward band is metallic gold. |
Upright Hedge Parsley is the last of our local Umbellifers to open. Torilis japonica. I seem to see it in more locations this year. |
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