16th July |
Steeple Wood.
1 x Silver-washed Fritillary, 2 x Green-veined White, 30+ Ringlet. Sunny and hot. |
The Wild Angelica - Angelica sylvestris - has just flowered and already the Ichneumons, Hoverflies and Wasps have found it. |
I spotted this Wasp eating something (you can just see it to the base of the image). I examined the prey a bit closer, but can't get an id..it's a bit chewed.
Tutsan is such a photogenic plant - full of colour in all its stages. |
A new leaf miner - this one on Enchanter's Nightshade. It's a micromoth: Mompha langiella. It's an unusual miner in that it makes a number of mines, often moving to a new leaf. It also mines a couple of the Willowherbs.
A strange Bramble that's already lost most of its new petals.
I was surprised to find that Rowan - Sorbus aucuparia - is a new species for the site. Then again, on reflection, I don't see too many around.
This Rosebay Willowherb stood out from thousands of others due to its small (1cm.) flowers and pale petals. The stem has received some damage and it has drooped and then turned upwards again in an 'S' shape. The damage has caused some restriction or other.
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