
28th July


More from Drumboe Wood.


Cloudy and warm.

There were a couple of small (8cm.) Amanita rubescens - The Blusher - at the edge of the path.



This is the darkest bit of the wood. It's a double canopy of Birch under Beech.


So I had to use flash to get these seeds of the Bluebell.

Why am I showing a Bramble flower? Look up to the top right.

'The Stump' is always good for a lichen or two. This is Cladonia portentosa.


The seeds of Cow Parsley. They clearly mimic beetles, complete with antennae. This must be to aid dispersal by fooling a bird into eating them.

On examining this picture under magnification, I noticed a tiny aphid under the branch. When the hoverfly was a larva it probably fed on aphids, so the image has an extra edge to it.

Meliscaeva auricollis.

A very common Sawfly miner on Oak: Profenusa pygmaea.



Later, back home: the second Small White to be recorded in my 10k square for years.

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