29th July |
High Heath.
Heavy and frequent rain showers. |
I've decided to take a slightly closer look at our wasps this year. This is a male (long antennae) Dolichovespula norwegica, with red abdominal patches and a vertical black mark on the fascia. You might think this was ignoring me, but the right antenna was clearly examining the camera.
And this is Dolichovespula sylvestris - the Tree Wasp. Note the horizontal black mark between the eyes.
I don't know what this muscid fly is, but that chequer-board thorax is interesting.
When insects are nectaring, this is the view you most often encounter. This is the hoverfly Sericomyia silentis. |
![]() The flowers of Jointed Rush - Juncus articulatus - really repay close examination.
The first of this year's Devilsbit Scabious. |
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