
30th July


High Heath in bad light.


Heavy and frequent rain showers.

A tiny (9mm.) bee on Knapweed.

Two leaf-miners: On the left, Mompha raschkiella, a micromoth, on Rosebay Willowherb, and an Angelica miner on the right.


Two Ichneumonid shots. The specimen on the right is under the flowerhead, huntiing for hosts.



This must be the smallest 'fly-shaped' fly I've found. It looked like a tiny bright yellow dot as it moved over the Angelica. About 2mm long.


Another shot of a smaller (9mm) Ectemnius wasp.

A fantasic tiny Ichneumon, smaller than an ant.

It was raining as I took most of these shots. This Dolichovespula sylvestris - Tree Wasp - is clearly uninterested in the amount of water building up on its back and wings.

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