
27th August


Ards forest.

I decided to pay a much earlier visit than usual because of the good numbers of early fungi I'm seeing on the local patch. I'll go back in October.

Frequent heavy showers.

A new species for the site - Amanita vaginata. Supposed to be edible, but I won't be giving it a try.


The spores are spherical:

A very young Amanita phalloides - the Death Cap. Note the family resemblance to the young A. vaginata above.

I know this is on pine needles, but I think it's Russula maerei - the Beechwood Sickener. This part of the forest is mixed conifer/beech.

I found a large patch of Chanterelles - Cantharellus cibarius - only a couple of metres from the main pathway.

I'm pretty sure this is Cantharellus infundibuliformis in an early stage. I usually find them when the cap has 'flipped' into a funnel shape.


Hygrophorus, probably H. discoxanthus. Extremely viscid, with a continuous drip from the surface of the cap. Cap from 1cm. to 3cm. across. Spores with a tiny 'pimple' on the end. 



A fine cluster of Mycenas on a dead conifer twig. Cap about 2 cm across. Purple when dried. Probably Mycena inclinata.

I was hoping to find this Entoloma serrulatum: I know the spores are an interesting shape.


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