4th October |
Original Hedgerow, leg 1. I was accompanied by a proper botanist - Gill Smith - and we added 2, or perhaps 3, new species to the Hedgerow list. Heavy rain (is this getting to sound familiar?) |
We searched for - and quickly found - the Ivy-leaved Water Crowfoot. This completely dissappeared during the dry spell in July. No problems, now! |
Gill was quick to spot this Cinquefoil, which is the triple hybrid - Potentilla x mixta - between Creeping Cinquefoil and the two Tormentils. I've found Tormentil on the patch, so I'll have to look for P. anglica which must also be nearby. Both leaves are from the same specimen, and the seeds were not developed.
The second new species: Geranium molle - Dovesfoot Cranesbill. I've found this on limestone, but never on our acid soil. This was, however, on top of a wall. |
And Gill spotted this non-rosette-forming Pearlwort. I suspect it's Annual Pearlwort - Sagina apetala - in which case the list goes up by one more.
The seedpod of Lathyrus pratensis - Meadow Vetchling. Obviously one of the Pea family. |
If it's going to rain continuously, I might as well capitalise. Rain droplets on a spiders web are always attractive.
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