
12th October


Local farm.

3 x Speckled Wood

Scattered showers.

A Millipede (left) and the straight-shelled snail Clausilia bidentata (right)



A mature specimen of Pholiota flammans. Quite spectacular.

This is causing me a bit of a problem. Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium = Hohenbuehelia petalloides - an Oyster Fungus - is in the frame. Rare.


This was on a leaf-pile, but should be on wood. These fungi capture and consume nematode worms.

A spider exploring the same tree as the Millipede and snail.


An Myxomycete on last year's Rosebay Willowherb stem. I've now got a few references for Myxos, so I'll try to make progress in this area.

Looks to be Badhamia panicea.

One of the more delicate fungi to grow on wood: Crepidotus applanatum.

Heterobasidion annosum causes acute decay in coniferous logs and stumps.


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