
17th October


High deforested area.


Dry between showers.


Some seedheads of the Common Spotted Orchid are still green. Others (like the one on the left) have gone brown and broken open to release the light-as-air seeds.


These tiny (3mm.) seedpods belong to Fairy Flax. A tricky picture.

Just a little exercise, really. This Eristalis hoverfly was hovering in precisely the one spot . I focussed on a nearby bush at a similar distance and then took the shot.


The hovering is thought to be a demonstration of his skill in order to impress the ladies. Either way, it's an excellent demonstration of the origin of the name.

Most of the Devilsbit Scabious has gone to seed (left), but some are still in their prime (right).


And while I was down taking the seedhead: a busy spider.

I don't see too many leaf miners in Willow. This seems closest to Stigmella obliquella - a micromoth.


And on the same (Eared) willow - Rhytissma salicis - Willow Tar Spot fungus.

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