
29th September


Deciduous fringe of coniferous plantation.


Heavy showers.

I can find no association between Sawfly larvae and fungi, so I suppose this specimen had fallen from some vegetation. I do notice, however, that the cap has been nibbled, and not by slugs.

And this is the fungus in question: Helvella crispa - the White Helvella.

I'm always intrigued by the complex structure of the stipe.


This appears to be a very young Coprinus comatus emerging from the centre of the path. Specimen about 3 cm. tall.

This 'bendy tree' has always amused me. Most of the branches bend all the way to the ground. It's a Cypress of some kind, I think.


A very autumnal shot of Leotia lubrica - Jelly Babies. Flash used.


A late second push from the Selfheal.

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