
2nd December


Original Hedgerow, leg 1.


Heavy showers.


Quite a few of the perennial plants are making new leaves, presumably in anticipation of next year's growth. This is Ranunculus acris - the Meadow Buttercup.


It's interesting that all parts of the Bramble plant appear to store/attract the purple dye. This is the fungal rust Phragmidium violaceum on a Bramble leaf.


A teaser (until the end of the page). This looks like a white encrusting fungus, but looks are deceptive. It's a fungus ok, but which one?


Hookeria luscens is a filmy moss with transparent triangular leaves. The shot was taken with flash in a very dark ditch.


That's all twelve months in flower for Herb Robert during 2006.

I'm getting used to the many disguises that Hygrocybe pratensis can appear in. One sure sign is those wrinkly gills.



Another pale Mycena with a dark stipe. Not M. galericulata, though.

Yellow Brain fungus - Tremella mesenterica - adding a welcome spot of colour on a drab day.

The mystery fungus is Trametes versicolour - Turkey Tails. Some of these brackets can look very much like crusts and vice-versa, depending on how the substrate is orientated. In this case I think the branch was rolled through roughly 180 degrees during the development of the fruiting bodies.

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