
16th December


Original Hedgerow, leg 1.


Cloudy and dull.

These are the sporing capsules of Homalothecium sericeum, a common wall moss in this area.


An odd Coprinus atramanterius - Common Ink Cap - with no stipe. The cap on this one appears to grow straight out of the soil.

Cladonia pyxidata grows on top of many walls. The non-fruiting thallus is very pale and delicate. The second image focusses more on the moss Homalothecium sericeum.



New growth of Greater Stitchwort is quite prominent.


And Groundsel is still (always?) in flower.


A fantastic Jews Ear on a dead branch of Elder (of course).


This growth on Hawthorn has puzzled me for some time. About a metre across, it reminds me very much of the Taphrina fungal infection on Birch, but I can't find a Hawthorn equivalent.


Nipplewort is still valiantly making an effort.

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