
22nd December


Original Hedgerow, leg 1.

Continued experiments with the new lens.

Cloudy, but with a little rain in short bursts.


No problems with depth of field on this Cranesbill on the wall.


The underside of Mycena galericulata lightened from a very dark image.


Colours appear to be well developed on the Haws.

A very dark Maidenhair Spleenwort on a north-facing wall.

Common Ragwort in a nearby deserted garden.


Meruliopsis corium on dead Ash.

Another little moss from the wall - Dicranoweissia cirrata.


Nipplewort seeds in a crevice in the wall. Even in very low light, detail can be obtained.


The mine of a micromoth Stigmella aurella on Bramble.


Wall Rue on the old wall.


And finally from this low light selection, the seedpods of Common Dog Violet.

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