
23rd December


High deforested area.

Continued experiments with the new lens.

Cloudy, but with a little rain in short bursts.

The upright fertile fronds of Hard Fern are still visible above the Sphagnum moss.


And the fertile pink tips of Cladonia portentosa are visible on close examination.


Most of the Ribwort Plantain seeds have been dispersed, but this fruiting tip is still intact.


The odd piece left after the seeds have flown from Devilsbit Scabious.


Sharp-flowered Rush still stands tall over ditches and lying water.

The reddish seedpods of Square-stalked St. Johns Wort add a bit of colour to the path edge.


Dead flowers of Smooth Rush can still be seen.

This nice little area on a very old fallen stump is covered in Cladonias and mosses, with the occasional Mycena and Lactarius.

New growth of Sphagnum mosses adds bright splashes of colour to the bog.


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