25th October |
High Heath.
Heavy rain. |
Baeomyces rufus is a crustose lichen that I most usually find on rocks. This old (50 yrs +) stump has a couple of specimens that survive year on year. |
Another lichen - Cladonia portentosa - has red fruit bodies on the very tips of the branched growths. Sometimes called Reindeer Lichen because they feed on it. |
A recent clearing of the forestry has left us with a couple of log piles. There's always something growing on them. This is the Ascomycete Dacrymyces stillatus. Fruit bodies about 4mm across. |
The same pile of logs presented me with this puzzle. This pink/lilac fungus looks most like Neobulgaria, but that only grows on deciduous wood according to the books.
The young specimens emerge from cracks in the wood: |
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