
25th October


High Heath.


Heavy rain.

Baeomyces rufus is a crustose lichen that I most usually find on rocks. This old (50 yrs +) stump has a couple of specimens that survive year on year.

Another lichen - Cladonia portentosa - has red fruit bodies on the very tips of the branched growths. Sometimes called Reindeer Lichen because they feed on it.

A recent clearing of the forestry has left us with a couple of log piles. There's always something growing on them. This is the Ascomycete Dacrymyces stillatus. Fruit bodies about 4mm across.

The same pile of logs presented me with this puzzle. This pink/lilac fungus looks most like Neobulgaria, but that only grows on deciduous wood according to the books.


The young specimens emerge from cracks in the wood:

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