26th October |
Deforested area.
Heavy rain. |
A break from fungi, today. The leaves on the Alder are just dropping and already the buds for next year are forming. Catkins are visible, too.
A solitary specimen of Common Ragwort struggles on. |
And one of the last Devilsbit Scabious blossoms. |
After its rest, the Gorse is beginning to make new flower buds. In the meantime, a Common Garden spider makes a new web.
Lesser Trefoil has made a few flowers at this late point in the season. |
And the Bell Heather still has a couple of new flowers. You can see the dead ones in the background. |
The moss Polytrichum formosum can usually make a decent photograph. |
Finally for today, Tormentil leaf and seed taken as the light was fast disappearing.
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