
4th March


The first two pictures were taken in the centre of town. The second pair were taken at the approach to the stone circle. Blue sky, mostly.

The picture on the left is a little test of the camera. The moss on the wall is only 2cm high. The clock tower is 100m away. Everything is in focus (and the clock is right, for once). The picture on the right is an object lesson on checking and cross-checking information. The tree is an Osier - one of the Willows, with long thin leaves. The catkins grabbed my attention, and I quickly shot off the picture. Something didn't seem quite right, however, so I looked more closely. The catkins had, in fact, fallen from an Alder high above and had lodged in a quite convincing place.


The picture on the left shows the dark path up to the stone circle. Plenty of interest for later in the year, although there are many mosses, lichens, liverworts, ferns there now. The image on the right is of a few Ash seedlings growing in litter on the path. They will be trodden before long.


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