
31st May


Clear-felled heath.


Sunny and warm.

Another new micromoth - Crambus lathoniellus. This is a Heath feeder, about 1 cm. long.

A Cortinarius about 2cm. across the cap.



I rather liked this female Large Red Damselfly with the dots of dew on the grass blade.


The Common Spotted Orchid is as close to flowering as it can be. I notice that all of the specimens are much smaller than usual, as are the Northern Marsh Orchids. All are perhaps only one third of their normal height. Maybe the very hot and dry weather we had in April is causing this.


I'll get a chance to examine some coastal specimens next week, and we'll see how they compare.


Yet another Wasp in 'the position'. They're very busy gathering wood pulp to make their nests.


I've seen this minute Chrysomelid beetle a few times, but it's very fast and small (2-3mm).Always on Willow.


Ragged Robin is just opening.


I was glad to get this shot of Water Forgetmenot - Myosotis scorpioides - before the midges were active. It's normally 'painful' to get a shot of this.

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