
14th August


Coniferous plantation.


Dull with a few heavy showers.

The Angelica is still providing some entertainment. Female (left) and male (right)) Scathophagus (Dung-flies). These pounce on anything that lands on the flowers to get nectar.


A new hoverfly for the site: Ripponensia splendens, about 1 cm. long.



Marsh Woundwort is in full flower along the path edges.


The forestry is undergoing a thinning process at the moment. These logging machines are left unattended at night and it can be a bit unnerving to stumble across one when it's silent.

Later, back at home, I spotted this partial rainbow. This is taken looking just east of south, and the sun was setting behind and to the right of the image. Cloud cover was almost complete, so I think the effect is caused by an almost horizontal beam of light finding a way through the clouds and reflecting off a small portion of the rain falling to the south.

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