
5th November


Fungi from Mullaghagarry Wood.


Bright and cold.

Armillaria mellea - the Honey Fungus - was recently split into 7-11 species. This one keys out to the one currently named Armillaria ostoyae. The separating features are the dark dots on the veil covering the gills. I have found this in a number of places, but always on vertical earth banks under conifers.


Clavaria acuta looks like beansprouts growing through grass.

Over the last few years I've shown Ganoderma brackets growing on this ancient Beech tree. Since my last visit in early summer, about one third of the tree has broken off. You can just make out another specimen of Ganoderma on the trunk to the right of the image. I wonder how long it will be before the rest of the tree succumbs.

Marasmius epiphylloides grows solely on dead Ivy leaves. The gills are a good example of the term 'distant'. Larger cap about 4mm diameter.

Here's a scaling shot.

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