
20th October


Local Deanery.


Dull but dry.


Pholiota squarrosa is usually found on deciduous wood, but this bunch was tightly packed against an old Pine.

The lawn was covered in this Honey Fungus, Armillaria mellea agg.


A nearby stump had plenty of the 'bootlace' mycelium associated with Armillaria infections.

A couple of shots of Coprinus atramentarius.



Another Coprinus, this time Coprinus plicatilis.


There are lots of old stumps in the grass, making the garden a haven for fungi of all types. This is Flammulina velutipes, which usually has a dark, felty stipe, but some of them don't read the books and try to confuse us by having a shiny orange one.

Another fungus that was very common in this area: Bjerkandera adusta. It starts off pale and goes darker with age.


Any bare soil was occupied by the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. The large gemma cup has a few gemmae still in place. These will eventually be splashed out by raindrops.

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