The Irish Fancy Canary Society was founded in 1975 when a number
of devoted canary fanciers came together. The main aim was to promote
the Irish Fancy Canary as a show bird of “type” and the
show cage is now almost fully accepted throughout Ireland. The formation
of the IFCS introduced and adopted a standard of excellence. It was difficult at the beginning since cages of all shapes and sizes were used. The introduction of the standard show cage met with a lot of opposition. Old fanciers were slow to conform to the new specifications laid down. A two-year transition period was allowed for the changeover and it was eventually accepted universally. The influx of new member to the society is still increasing yearly. At the inaugural AGM held in 1976 Mrs. C Bolger was appointed secretary.
The amount and work and dedication given by Mrs. Bolger and her late
husband Matt to the promotion of the society was immense. The prospect
of this delightful bird taking its place in the world of aviculture
is most encouraging. In recent years over 7000 rings have been issued
annually to Irish Fancy Canary Society members. The strength of the
society can been seen in this figure and the fact that approximately
1000 exhibits are staged at the annual show. |