the war has begun

Welcome to the Official Incursion Site, which has been revamped to provide an easier navigation system than the one you previously had to deal with. You can still venture on that little tour by clicking on the picture to the left... and I would recommend you do this at least once, as there are things hidden in there which are not easily accessable from the main site.
      Of course, the Extracts are still here, along with the News section of old. In Information, there is a quick run through on what this site is about, for those first visitors. There is also a brand new Resources section which acts as an encylopaedia to the world in which Incursion is set.
      I hope you enjoy your visit to the site.

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Site last updated 8th August 2000
All information held within this site, unless
unequivocally stated to the contrary, is copyright
© 2000 David Barrett. Contact at
See the Legal Notice for more information.